
Keep walking

For your review:

Keep Walking

There is an old saying which goes: "Time and tide wait for no man!" This means we can use today, but yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is still in the future! In this busy world, it is harder and harder to find time to get some exercise. And then, today it is all too easy to eat high calorie fast food. Done ay after day, our health and physical fitness deteriorates

What can I do now? According to health experts, walking is good for health. Taking a walk is as simple as eating. Walking is also as important for our health as eating good food .Walking is easy exercise, also convenient; we can do it at any time and anywhere. After you finish, you will feel full of energy, and then you will feel relaxed. If you are doing something that's difficult or you have a problem, is try walking. It will relax your mind……, and it is easy and good for health.

Like old saying goes "After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile", some people like finish they supper go walking, but some people say: this is an old people exercise, in this busy word, time is money……"But ,do you know, exercise is for any age. You will be healthier and enjoy your life more. So just keep walking.

Walking is not waste your time. For example, when you're having difficulty writing you can go for a, relax your mind, change your mind, and you can go back to writing again, maybe you will then save time in finishing your writing .

Walking is easy and simple exercise, any age, any time, anywhere……, you can do it, 100% sure for free. You can bring your pet, your mp3 player, your friends, your family member…….It is important for your health, for your life…..Close your TV, your computer, your game, your car…., walking while, breath fresh air…., you will find a lot of new thing. You just use a while, you can got a lot of good thing for your!

Keep walking. Make it a daily good habit!


Summaries 10

Chapter 10 Narration and description
A personal narrative is a story in it, you may tell about a time, see, hear, touch and taste these details
Guideline for writing narration and description
1. Select a topic
2. Narrow your focus
3. Determine you purpose and audience
4. Gather details
5. Collaborate
6. Write your first draft
7. Share your story
8. Revise your writing
9. Edit and proofread
10. Prepare your final copy.


Summaries 11

Chapter 11 Description and Reflection
It is human nature to reflect .A per send reflection is often written to draw wisdom from past experiences. Keys for success writing description and reflection: recall precise details, probe the topic and reveal what you find
Guidelines for writing description and reflection:
1. Select a topic
2. Get the big picture
3. Get organized
4. Write the first draft
5. Review and revise
6. Test your reflection
7. Get feedback
8. Edit and proofread your essay
9. Publish your writing by doing one or more of the following.


Summaries 12

Chapter12 Cause and effect
In a cause and effect essay, the writer develops the thesis through cause and effect reasoning ,keys for success for writing a cause and effect essay: know your readers, think logically, test your thinking
Guidelines for writing a cause and effect essay
1. Selectg a topic
2. Narrow and research the topic
3. Draft and test your these
4. Gather and analyze information
5. Get organized
6. Use your outline to draft the essay
7. Revise the essay
8. Get feedback
9. Edit the essay for clarity and correctness
10. Publish your essay


Summaries 13

Chapter13 Comparison and contrast
In the process, we do precisely what the writer wants us to do-we compare and contrast the subjects, the subject. The result is clarity and insight: keys for success: Think about your readers, know your purpose. Be logical.
Guidelines for writing a comparison and contrast essay
1. Select a topic
2. Get the big picture
3. Gather information
4. Draft the essay
5. Get organized
6. Draft the essay
7. Revise the essay
8. Get your essay
9. Edit your essay
10. Publish your essay


Summaries 14

Chapter 14 Classification
Classification is an organizational strategy that helps writers make sense of large or complex sets or things keys for success writing a classification Essay: choose classification critter that fit your purpose and follow classification principles
Guidelines for writing a classification essay
1. Select a topic
2. Look at the big picture
3. Choose and test your criterion
4. Gather and organize information
5. Draft a thesis
6. Draft the essay
7. Get feedback
8. Revise the essay
9. Edit the essay
10. Publish the essay


Summaries 15

Chapter 15 Process writing
Three basic forms of process writing include describing a process, explaining a process, and giving instructions .This chapter distinguishes a among these forms and show how to write each study this chapter for tips that will help choose a topic, break it into steps ,and explain it clearly in writing
Guidelines for writing about a process
1. S elect a topic
2. Review the process
3. Reach as needed
4. Organize information
5. Draft the document
6. Revise the writing
7. Test the editing
8. Get feedback
9. Diet the writing by looking for the following
10. Publish the essay


Keep walking is a good habit

Keep walking is a good habit
There is an old saying which goes:”Time and tide wait for no man!”This means is we can use “today”,” yesterday “has gone, “tomorrow “is still in the future! In this busy world, harder and harder to find time to get some exercise. And then, in here we can easy to eat “fast food”, this food has a lot of height calories, day after day ,how about we’re ,is terrible ,maybe change bit size, maybe got a sick, maybe……
How can I do now? Accoding to health experts, walking is good for health.
Talking a walk is as simple as eating. Walking also like as important for we’re health as eating good food .Walking is easy exercise, also convenient, we can do it at any time and anywhere, after finish, you will feel full of energy, and them, you fell relax. If you doing something is difficult or you got a prober is not known how to do, you try choosing walk, maybe relaxing your mind……, and it is easy and good for health.
Like old saying goes “After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile”, some people like finish they supper go to walking, but have people say: this is a old people exercise, in this busy word, time is money……”But ,do you know, exercise is for any age people, in the same way ,exercise too. You keep heath, you can earn more money. So we will keep walking for habit.
Walking is not waste your time, for example, you writing is didn’t continue, you can go walking for a while, you can relax your mind, change your mind, and you can doing again, maybe you will save time to finish your writing .
Walking is easy and simple exercise, any age, any time, anywhere……, you can do it, 100% sure for free. You can bring your pet, your mp3 player, your friends, your family member…….It is important for your health, for your life…..
Close your TV, your camper, your game, your car…., walking while, breath flash air…., you will find a lot of new thing. You just use a while, you can got a lot of good thing for your!
Keep a daily walk is a good habit!


Summaries 16

Chapter 16 Definition
In most writing situations, you will include short definitions of terms consisting of one or two sentences or one or two paragraphs. Although this chapter includes information that will enable to write such brief definitions, its main purpose is to help you write longer, essay –length pieces sometime called extended definitions
Guidelines for writing a definition essay
1. Select a topic
2. Identify what you know
3. Gather information
4. Compress what you know
5. Get organized
6. Draft the essay
7. Get feedback
8. Revise and edit the essay
9. Publish the essay


Summaries 17

Chapter17 Strategies for argumentation and persuasion
This chapter is a resource on reason on reasoning .It explains the foundations of argumentation and persuasion and introduces three related form-talking a position and introduces three related forms-talking a position, persuading readers to act, and proposing a solution
Four set to building persuasive arguments:
1. Prepare your argument
2. Make and qualify your claim
3. Support your claim
4. Engage the opposition

And argument is a reason or claim of reason used to support, so, preparing argument, making and qualifying Claims, we’re gather evidence and use evidence to supporting claims
Fallacies are false arguments –that is, bit of fuzzy, dishonest, or incomplete think.
Last ,engaging the expositing ,using appropriate appeals


Summaries 18

Chapter 18 Talking a position
Keys for success for talking a position
Explore all positions
Go beyond pure opinion
Take a measure stance
Guidelines for talking a position
1. Select and narrow a topic
2. Take stock
3. Get inside the issue
4. Refine your position
5. Organize development and support
6. Writer first draft
7. Share your position
8. Revise your writing
9. Edit and proofread
10. Prepare and publish your final essay


Summaries 19

Chapter 19 Persuading readers to Act
Keys for success persuading readers to Act: Know you audience promote your cause –not a quarrel, be reasonable
Ten steps for guideline persuading readers to Act
1. Select a topic
2. Choose and analyze your audience
3. Marrow your focus and determine your purpose
4. Generate ideas and support
5. Organize your thinking
6. Writer your first draft
7. Share your essay
8. Revise your writing
9. Edit and proofread
10. Prepare and publish your final essay



Chapter 20
This chapter will walk you through the challenge of writing such proposals ,from selecting a problem to submitting Your plan
Four keys for success proposing a solution:
1. Show passion for change
2. Avoid cosmetic solutions
3. Know your readers
4. Conduct quality research
Night guidelines for proposing a solution
1. Select and narrow a topic
2. Identify the problem
3. Probe the problem
4. Brainstorm possible solutions
5. Choose the best solution and map out support
6. Outline your proposal and complete a first draft
7. Get feedback and revise the draft
8. Edit and proofread
9. Prepare and share your final essay

















Summaries 6

Chapter 6 Editing and proofreading
Editing revised draft, combing sentences, edit shout, simplistic sentences, expanding sentences, use cumulative sentences, expand with details, checking sentence style, and void these sentence variety, vary sentence structures ,use parallel structure, avoid weak constructions. Avoiding imprecise misleading, and biased words, substitute specific words, replace jargon and clichés and we should change biased words .Last, proofreading writing, review punctuation and mechanics, look for usage and grammar errors, check for spelling errors ,and check the writing for from and presentation.



Summaries 5

Chapter 5 Revising
When revising, first remember why we are writing –purpose. Revising helps you turn your first draft into a more complete, thoughtful piece of writing, and then, we revising for ideas and organization, complete thinking, clear thesis, overall plan. The second, revising for voice and style, check the level commitment, intensity of your writing, develop an academic style, know when to use the passive voice, when we’re reusing, remember the basics, keep the purpose in mind, check for unity, check for coherence, completeness, writers and reviewers should know their roles and fulfill their responsibilities during revising sessions, provide appropriate feedback, respond according to plan.
Last ,we can pass for classmate, getting advice form a peer edited can be extremely helpful.


Summaries 9

Chapter 9 Forms of college writing

This chapter is show three important things about writing across the curriculum:
1. How a college curriculum and faculty one organized
2. What kinds of writing you can expect to do in your courses?
3. How writing and thinking skills required in one class are linked to writing and thinking skills required in another class
Three curricular divisions: humanities, social sciences, natural and applied sciences is into these groups .listed below are the type of writing commonly assigned in the three academic divisions, often instructors in different divisions will assign the same type of essay –but with a different purpose ,audience or focus.


Summaries 8

Chapter8 One writer’s process
Angela’s assignment and response and discussion below, noting how she thinks though the assignment’s purpose, audience, forms, and assignment. And Angela’s planning focused the topic, researched the topic, decided how to organize the writing .After composing opening, middle, and closing parapgphs. And then, we do first draft, first revision, second revision, edited draft, proofread draft .Last one thing, finished essay.


frre rice

Go to www.freerice.com got the word!



As you sow,so shall you reap



How to Make Cool Drink

In the summer, what is it you want to drink or eat? eFor many people it's easy to answer: Ice cream. But eating too much makes it easy to become fat We could choose to drink ice water, but I often see people drink cool drinks, like pearl with milk tea, watermelon with pearl milk tea…….So I want to make it myself. But which one should I try? I think I will choose to make a simple: milk tea! Maybe it's easy to do.

First, I buy a bag of pearl from the supermarket, and them I choose green tea, because I feel green tea smells better, then powdered milk, ice cream, and watermelon .Second ,I ask my friends to lend me their blender and coffee maker…..

When I get back at home, I first use hot water to make green tea; wait until the water boils, put in the tea and wait about two minutes, turn off, use the strainer to separate tea and water. Then I use the coffee maker, put on hot water too and about two middle size measuring spoons for pearl, waiting until it boils, then I turn it off. After one hour, we can use it, but you to stir for pearl in free time.

Now we make milk tea .First I put about 1 cup dried milk in the measuring glass, using hot water to stir, and putting it in the blender. Second, put about half a cup of sugar in the measuring glass, and put in the blender too. Using the blender to mix tea and sugar. If you like sweeter, you should put more sugar, and then I put tea to blender too, turn on about two minutes. Now you can put on the glass to taste. So easy. Now I put pearl in the strainer, using cool water to wash, and put in a cup of pour in a glass ' ' success!

Next, I try a watermelon drink, I cut the watermelon four pieces, remove the seeds, put in the blender again. Second I add ice-cream, turn on to mix about two minutes. Third pour it in a glass! Success again! I think if you want to make a milkshake, you could add more ice-cream -- you can make it!

If you have other ideas to make cool drinks for hot drinks, please let me know. Thanks!


How to make cool drink

In summer, what is it you want to drink or eat? Very many people easy to say: Ice cream, but eat too much east to fat, we’re chosen drink the Ice water, but I offer saw person drink cool drink, like Pearl with milk tea, Watermelon with pearl milk tea…….So I want to DIY. But choose which one to try? I think I choose simple: milk tea! Maybe easy to do it!
First, I buy the bag of pearl from supermarket, and them choose the green tea, because I feel green tea smell better , and dried milk, Ice cream, watermelon .Second ,I ask my friends borrows the blender, coffee maker…..
Go back at home, I first use hot water to make green tea, wait the water boils, put the tea and wait about 2 minute, turn off, use the strainer to separate tea and water. And then I use the coffee maker put on hot water too and about 2 middle side measuring spoon for pearl, waiting boils, turn off ,maybe after 1 hour, we can use it, but you to stir for pearl in free time. Now we’re make milk tea .First I put about 200g dried milk in the measuring glass, using hot water to stir, and puling in the blender. The second, put about 180 g sugars in the measuring glass, and put in the blender too. Using the blender to mix tea and sugar. If you like sweeter, you should put more sugar, and then I put tea to blender too, turn on about 2 minute. Now you can put on the glass to test. So easy. Now I put pearl in the strainer, using the cool water to wash, and put in a cup of glass, successful!
Next I use watermelon to try again, I cut the watermelon four pieces, opens seed, put in blender again. Second I put the ice-cream in side, turn on to mix about 2 mixtures, the third pun in a cup of glass! Successful again! I think if you want do make milk shake, you could put more ice-cream, you can make it!
If you have other idea to make it, Email to me!



According to health experts,walking is good for all ages.



Today in evening ,maybe in 8pm,I eating dinner,I feel the table was shaking,I yelling my younger brother,don't kick to table,but he say didn't,and them we're feel more and more strong,they're say :is Eathquake!So scared!
late I search :Earthquake,the wetside writing:5.6 quake in San Jose !
Do you feel this earthquake!



Today BOSTON RED SOXS is win,all city is crazed!Waa!


Summaries 7

Chapter 7-submitting writing and creati g portfolios
Submitting a final panl paper is the dring force behind writing .Formating writing ,submitting ,writing and creating portfolios,consider potential audiences ,select qppropriate submission methods,use a writing portfolio.As writer Tom liner states:you learn ways to improve your writing by seeing its qeeect on others.”



According-the best way to learn English is to keep a diary for use English writing .



Try and you will succeed.!It is inporstent!


Six Day

After six day-Halloween .Wating



In the busy world it is harder and harder to find time to get ome exercise!


you find it

All something you can find in youtube.!



Goes-No pains,no gains.



It is important to remember that nothing can be easily to got it!


which one you like

Myspace or facebook,which one you like?


Summaries 4

Chapter 4-Drafting
Writing, first you go to graft, reconsider audience, purpose, and focus on your subject
Opening the draft, it should accomplish at least three essential things:
1. Engage the reader
2. Establish your line of though, and level of language
3. Introduce your line of thought to point
Developing the middle in this port, we should develop the main points that support your thesis statement, we should teat the ideas, build a coherent structure arrange supporting dailies
Ending the draft
Closing paragraphs can be important for tying up close ends, clarifying key points, or signing off with the reader .Reassert the main point, urge the reader and complete and unify the message is three thing for the draft to closing the ending .



Chapter 3-Planning
Planning of almost any type require careful thinking writer and instructor ken macrorie offer this important insight about planning:”Good writing is formed partly though plan and partly though accident.”
Talking inventory of thoughts: re-examine topic, continue the process. After completed enough research and collecting, may being to develop a more focused interest.



Chapter 2-Beginning the writing process
First, understanding the rhetorical situation: subject, audience, purpose and assignment. Second, selecting a subject, last, collecting information writer and instructor Donald Murray say that “writers write with information. If there is no information, there will be no effective writing.”



Today we're midterm.wating the result!



Tomowday we're text,worrity about it!





Chapter 1-Summaries

Chapter 1
Reading is basic to writing use a reading strategy: SQ3: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review, Reading, Actirely, we can take thoughtful notes. Annotate the text. Outline the text. Evaluate the text
And then, in sense, when we read a text we enter into a dialogue with it .We response expresses your turn in the dialogue like a response can take varied froms,form a journal entry to a blog to a discussion-group posting. So we follow these guidelines for response writing, when we use guidelines foe summary writing summary disciplines by making pull only essentials form a reading the main points, the thread of argument.
Good readers approach words and visual images as part of the same message, reading both while noting how each complements or completes the message .Use the guideline below to become a more active viewer of images in a text
Viewing for general understanding is simply the first step in working with an image. Interpreting means figuring out what the visual image or graphic design s really meant to do, say or show. If the meaning were fixed, interpreting would be easy!
When you encounter on image, you must do more than understand and interpret it: you have to decide whether it is worth your time and attention. In other words, you have to e
Valuate it. When you have done that well, you can fairly say you have though it though. The following questions will guide you.
Critically about topics and issues by analyzing complex, synthesizing distinct concepts, weighing the value of opposing perspectives, and prating new applications of existing principles. To hone your critical-thinking skills, you need to develop sound caracal-thinking habits, sharpen your reasoning skill, and distinguish inductive logic and deductive


I goe it!



Which wetside you everydat go to cheack!


Columbus Day

Columbus Day


Show time

Go feshman walf to see airplant.




Critical Think Though Reading
Try to spot main ideas
Preview the materital
It gives yuou the big picture
It stabilzes and directs your thought
It gets yuo over the starting hump
Turn the headings and subheading into questions
Imagine a specific test question covering each major point in reading
ask question:who, what,when,where
Benefits----ask question will keep you actively thinking about
ask question?
what does this mean?
how do the idea relate to each other
listing the key point and to what I know?
writing a summary
what's coming next?
visualize the concepts in concrete ways
put the materical in your own words
teach it to some
use acroryms or rhymes
Reading Actively
pace yuourself
Speak the text
track the text
annotate the text
write a question
link relater passages
add personal observations
create a marginal index
map the text
outline the text
sample otline for "The Media and the Ethics of cloning"
Evaluate the text
1.judge the reading's creding's cred
2.put the reading in a larger context
3.evaluate the reasoning and support
4.reflect on how the reading challenges you
responding to a text
follow these guidelines for response writing
Be honest
Be fluid
Be reflective
Be selective
Summarizing a text
Using these guidelines for summary writing
Skim first then read closely
capture the text,s argument
test your summary
critical thinking through viewing
consider these guidelines for viewing images
view actively
question the image
inspect all of it
view with a purpose
arouse curosity?
view with a plan
survey the image
question the image as shown above
relate the image's parts to one another
relate the image
surrounding text
other images
the world as your know it
decide whatv to do with the information it offers
view an image
nterpreting an image
the elements of interpretation
the complications in interpretation
interpret an image
evaluating an image
Consider the purpose
evaluate the quality
determine the value
evaluate images
critical thinking through writing
develop sound critical-thinking habits
Be curious
Be creative
Be open to new ideas
value others' points of view
get involved
Be rational
make connections
tolerate ambiguity
test the evidence
develop research-based conclusions
expect results
ask probing questions
ask open questions
ask "educated" questions
keep a question journal
write Q &A drafts
practice inductive and deductive logic
Practicing modes of
think by using
vantage point



I think reading news maybe leanding some world!



A noun is a word that names something :a person,a pasce ,a thing ,or an idea.



A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.



A clause is a group of related words that has both a subject and a predingcate.


Collective Nouns

A collective moun names a group or a unit.



A demonstrative pronoun points out people,place or things


Cherry Blossom Festival

Cherry Blossom Festival
In April, San Francisco has Cherry Blossom Festival hold in Japan town. Did you went to?
San Francisco’s Cherry Blossom Festival annually held in Japan town since 1967, so this year is 40th year.
On the weekend ,I with my friends went to Japan town ,I am so happy and attractive, because this is my first time went to Japentown, everything is newness.we’re in hear, saw everywhere is Carp flag and Cherry Blossom, they are called Carp flag is koi-nobori , some Japanese make for their child, and best wish to children health with grow up .You can saw some people wear Japanese traditional clothes,and they puts on specially shoes,you saw eveything is like japen......you like went around in Japan.
We’re went into Jamestown ’s street ,a lot of store sell Japan ’s traditional food, clothes,arts….. and other side,we’re saw a food bazaar, they showed traditional Japen's food ,cooked demonstrations....... smell delicious.In japentown,you saw more and more sushi.Sushi is Japen famous food,a lot of people know to how to make.
In the Cherry Blossom Festival, Taiko drumming was traditionally and important in Festival.Taiko drumming size so big, in long ago, the Taiko drumming using in martial……
In festival ,you can saw parade, includes several beautiful kimono clad dance groups, the Taiko drumming, and the other dance, princess competition ......
Cherry Blossom Festival has the hold in American very many places,but not in same week or same day, maybe early or late,a lot of people go to Cherry Blossom Festival !
Next year you also can go? Call me!


Interrogative pronouns

An interrogative pronioun asks a question


Mood of a verb

The mood of a verb indicates the tone or attitude with whic a statement is made



Love paradise
by Kelly
You're always on my mindAll day just all the timeYou're everything to meBrightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreamsWe kiss in every sceneI pray to be with youThrough rain and shiny days
I'll love you till I dieDeep as sea wide as skyThe beauty of our love paints rainbowsEverywhere we goNeed you all my lifeYou're my hope you're my prideIn your arms I find my heavenIn your eyes my sea and skyMay life be our love paradise



moon cake

Today we're first in here eat the mooncake


A journal

Everday you writing journal?
Writing journal have some way,my friend ANNA,she like Paints pictures use in her journal, so funny,some people use blog writing journal,because anywhere,anytime,you use computer is easy to writing......
How about you?


Next Bus

You even wating bus so long,wating MUNI so long?
If you have Gps or........,you can use http://www.nextbus.com/ to search
NextBus uses GPS system,like in the BART, the arrival information ,but this system havea real-time maps.



Friday in class ,we're take the topic is about :Student.When I in Junior middle school and high school ,I feel so tired.Let me tole you how about my one day in school. In morning ,I got up about 6:00AM,and then went go school at 7:00,beginning the morning reading,teacher seted the schedule ,one day one subject, and them eat breakfast ,about 8:00 beginning the first class,in morning have 4 different class,2:00PM beginning the afternoon class, like in the morning , have 4 or 3 different class.In 7:00PM, beginning class ,the first we're reading the lesson,about 1houre ,and other time,you can doning homewoke and preparation for lessons before class,and then to review lessons,you have a question,you could ask the teracher..........
So tired........
How about your ?



You online the computery,what subject you like go to seach?
Sometime I like search movie ,sometime i like search music,new........Oneday, I saw googlehave insterest subjet:Earth!I click i nwetside:http://earth.google.com/,and then you downloads the software ,you can serch a lot of about Earth. The Search function with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings ,you can explore the sky......so very interesting .
Let we try.