
Keep walking

For your review:

Keep Walking

There is an old saying which goes: "Time and tide wait for no man!" This means we can use today, but yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is still in the future! In this busy world, it is harder and harder to find time to get some exercise. And then, today it is all too easy to eat high calorie fast food. Done ay after day, our health and physical fitness deteriorates

What can I do now? According to health experts, walking is good for health. Taking a walk is as simple as eating. Walking is also as important for our health as eating good food .Walking is easy exercise, also convenient; we can do it at any time and anywhere. After you finish, you will feel full of energy, and then you will feel relaxed. If you are doing something that's difficult or you have a problem, is try walking. It will relax your mind……, and it is easy and good for health.

Like old saying goes "After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile", some people like finish they supper go walking, but some people say: this is an old people exercise, in this busy word, time is money……"But ,do you know, exercise is for any age. You will be healthier and enjoy your life more. So just keep walking.

Walking is not waste your time. For example, when you're having difficulty writing you can go for a, relax your mind, change your mind, and you can go back to writing again, maybe you will then save time in finishing your writing .

Walking is easy and simple exercise, any age, any time, anywhere……, you can do it, 100% sure for free. You can bring your pet, your mp3 player, your friends, your family member…….It is important for your health, for your life…..Close your TV, your computer, your game, your car…., walking while, breath fresh air…., you will find a lot of new thing. You just use a while, you can got a lot of good thing for your!

Keep walking. Make it a daily good habit!


Summaries 10

Chapter 10 Narration and description
A personal narrative is a story in it, you may tell about a time, see, hear, touch and taste these details
Guideline for writing narration and description
1. Select a topic
2. Narrow your focus
3. Determine you purpose and audience
4. Gather details
5. Collaborate
6. Write your first draft
7. Share your story
8. Revise your writing
9. Edit and proofread
10. Prepare your final copy.


Summaries 11

Chapter 11 Description and Reflection
It is human nature to reflect .A per send reflection is often written to draw wisdom from past experiences. Keys for success writing description and reflection: recall precise details, probe the topic and reveal what you find
Guidelines for writing description and reflection:
1. Select a topic
2. Get the big picture
3. Get organized
4. Write the first draft
5. Review and revise
6. Test your reflection
7. Get feedback
8. Edit and proofread your essay
9. Publish your writing by doing one or more of the following.


Summaries 12

Chapter12 Cause and effect
In a cause and effect essay, the writer develops the thesis through cause and effect reasoning ,keys for success for writing a cause and effect essay: know your readers, think logically, test your thinking
Guidelines for writing a cause and effect essay
1. Selectg a topic
2. Narrow and research the topic
3. Draft and test your these
4. Gather and analyze information
5. Get organized
6. Use your outline to draft the essay
7. Revise the essay
8. Get feedback
9. Edit the essay for clarity and correctness
10. Publish your essay


Summaries 13

Chapter13 Comparison and contrast
In the process, we do precisely what the writer wants us to do-we compare and contrast the subjects, the subject. The result is clarity and insight: keys for success: Think about your readers, know your purpose. Be logical.
Guidelines for writing a comparison and contrast essay
1. Select a topic
2. Get the big picture
3. Gather information
4. Draft the essay
5. Get organized
6. Draft the essay
7. Revise the essay
8. Get your essay
9. Edit your essay
10. Publish your essay


Summaries 14

Chapter 14 Classification
Classification is an organizational strategy that helps writers make sense of large or complex sets or things keys for success writing a classification Essay: choose classification critter that fit your purpose and follow classification principles
Guidelines for writing a classification essay
1. Select a topic
2. Look at the big picture
3. Choose and test your criterion
4. Gather and organize information
5. Draft a thesis
6. Draft the essay
7. Get feedback
8. Revise the essay
9. Edit the essay
10. Publish the essay


Summaries 15

Chapter 15 Process writing
Three basic forms of process writing include describing a process, explaining a process, and giving instructions .This chapter distinguishes a among these forms and show how to write each study this chapter for tips that will help choose a topic, break it into steps ,and explain it clearly in writing
Guidelines for writing about a process
1. S elect a topic
2. Review the process
3. Reach as needed
4. Organize information
5. Draft the document
6. Revise the writing
7. Test the editing
8. Get feedback
9. Diet the writing by looking for the following
10. Publish the essay


Keep walking is a good habit

Keep walking is a good habit
There is an old saying which goes:”Time and tide wait for no man!”This means is we can use “today”,” yesterday “has gone, “tomorrow “is still in the future! In this busy world, harder and harder to find time to get some exercise. And then, in here we can easy to eat “fast food”, this food has a lot of height calories, day after day ,how about we’re ,is terrible ,maybe change bit size, maybe got a sick, maybe……
How can I do now? Accoding to health experts, walking is good for health.
Talking a walk is as simple as eating. Walking also like as important for we’re health as eating good food .Walking is easy exercise, also convenient, we can do it at any time and anywhere, after finish, you will feel full of energy, and them, you fell relax. If you doing something is difficult or you got a prober is not known how to do, you try choosing walk, maybe relaxing your mind……, and it is easy and good for health.
Like old saying goes “After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile”, some people like finish they supper go to walking, but have people say: this is a old people exercise, in this busy word, time is money……”But ,do you know, exercise is for any age people, in the same way ,exercise too. You keep heath, you can earn more money. So we will keep walking for habit.
Walking is not waste your time, for example, you writing is didn’t continue, you can go walking for a while, you can relax your mind, change your mind, and you can doing again, maybe you will save time to finish your writing .
Walking is easy and simple exercise, any age, any time, anywhere……, you can do it, 100% sure for free. You can bring your pet, your mp3 player, your friends, your family member…….It is important for your health, for your life…..
Close your TV, your camper, your game, your car…., walking while, breath flash air…., you will find a lot of new thing. You just use a while, you can got a lot of good thing for your!
Keep a daily walk is a good habit!