
Summaries 16

Chapter 16 Definition
In most writing situations, you will include short definitions of terms consisting of one or two sentences or one or two paragraphs. Although this chapter includes information that will enable to write such brief definitions, its main purpose is to help you write longer, essay –length pieces sometime called extended definitions
Guidelines for writing a definition essay
1. Select a topic
2. Identify what you know
3. Gather information
4. Compress what you know
5. Get organized
6. Draft the essay
7. Get feedback
8. Revise and edit the essay
9. Publish the essay


Summaries 17

Chapter17 Strategies for argumentation and persuasion
This chapter is a resource on reason on reasoning .It explains the foundations of argumentation and persuasion and introduces three related form-talking a position and introduces three related forms-talking a position, persuading readers to act, and proposing a solution
Four set to building persuasive arguments:
1. Prepare your argument
2. Make and qualify your claim
3. Support your claim
4. Engage the opposition

And argument is a reason or claim of reason used to support, so, preparing argument, making and qualifying Claims, we’re gather evidence and use evidence to supporting claims
Fallacies are false arguments –that is, bit of fuzzy, dishonest, or incomplete think.
Last ,engaging the expositing ,using appropriate appeals


Summaries 18

Chapter 18 Talking a position
Keys for success for talking a position
Explore all positions
Go beyond pure opinion
Take a measure stance
Guidelines for talking a position
1. Select and narrow a topic
2. Take stock
3. Get inside the issue
4. Refine your position
5. Organize development and support
6. Writer first draft
7. Share your position
8. Revise your writing
9. Edit and proofread
10. Prepare and publish your final essay


Summaries 19

Chapter 19 Persuading readers to Act
Keys for success persuading readers to Act: Know you audience promote your cause –not a quarrel, be reasonable
Ten steps for guideline persuading readers to Act
1. Select a topic
2. Choose and analyze your audience
3. Marrow your focus and determine your purpose
4. Generate ideas and support
5. Organize your thinking
6. Writer your first draft
7. Share your essay
8. Revise your writing
9. Edit and proofread
10. Prepare and publish your final essay



Chapter 20
This chapter will walk you through the challenge of writing such proposals ,from selecting a problem to submitting Your plan
Four keys for success proposing a solution:
1. Show passion for change
2. Avoid cosmetic solutions
3. Know your readers
4. Conduct quality research
Night guidelines for proposing a solution
1. Select and narrow a topic
2. Identify the problem
3. Probe the problem
4. Brainstorm possible solutions
5. Choose the best solution and map out support
6. Outline your proposal and complete a first draft
7. Get feedback and revise the draft
8. Edit and proofread
9. Prepare and share your final essay

















Summaries 6

Chapter 6 Editing and proofreading
Editing revised draft, combing sentences, edit shout, simplistic sentences, expanding sentences, use cumulative sentences, expand with details, checking sentence style, and void these sentence variety, vary sentence structures ,use parallel structure, avoid weak constructions. Avoiding imprecise misleading, and biased words, substitute specific words, replace jargon and clichés and we should change biased words .Last, proofreading writing, review punctuation and mechanics, look for usage and grammar errors, check for spelling errors ,and check the writing for from and presentation.



Summaries 5

Chapter 5 Revising
When revising, first remember why we are writing –purpose. Revising helps you turn your first draft into a more complete, thoughtful piece of writing, and then, we revising for ideas and organization, complete thinking, clear thesis, overall plan. The second, revising for voice and style, check the level commitment, intensity of your writing, develop an academic style, know when to use the passive voice, when we’re reusing, remember the basics, keep the purpose in mind, check for unity, check for coherence, completeness, writers and reviewers should know their roles and fulfill their responsibilities during revising sessions, provide appropriate feedback, respond according to plan.
Last ,we can pass for classmate, getting advice form a peer edited can be extremely helpful.


Summaries 9

Chapter 9 Forms of college writing

This chapter is show three important things about writing across the curriculum:
1. How a college curriculum and faculty one organized
2. What kinds of writing you can expect to do in your courses?
3. How writing and thinking skills required in one class are linked to writing and thinking skills required in another class
Three curricular divisions: humanities, social sciences, natural and applied sciences is into these groups .listed below are the type of writing commonly assigned in the three academic divisions, often instructors in different divisions will assign the same type of essay –but with a different purpose ,audience or focus.


Summaries 8

Chapter8 One writer’s process
Angela’s assignment and response and discussion below, noting how she thinks though the assignment’s purpose, audience, forms, and assignment. And Angela’s planning focused the topic, researched the topic, decided how to organize the writing .After composing opening, middle, and closing parapgphs. And then, we do first draft, first revision, second revision, edited draft, proofread draft .Last one thing, finished essay.


frre rice

Go to www.freerice.com got the word!



As you sow,so shall you reap



How to Make Cool Drink

In the summer, what is it you want to drink or eat? eFor many people it's easy to answer: Ice cream. But eating too much makes it easy to become fat We could choose to drink ice water, but I often see people drink cool drinks, like pearl with milk tea, watermelon with pearl milk tea…….So I want to make it myself. But which one should I try? I think I will choose to make a simple: milk tea! Maybe it's easy to do.

First, I buy a bag of pearl from the supermarket, and them I choose green tea, because I feel green tea smells better, then powdered milk, ice cream, and watermelon .Second ,I ask my friends to lend me their blender and coffee maker…..

When I get back at home, I first use hot water to make green tea; wait until the water boils, put in the tea and wait about two minutes, turn off, use the strainer to separate tea and water. Then I use the coffee maker, put on hot water too and about two middle size measuring spoons for pearl, waiting until it boils, then I turn it off. After one hour, we can use it, but you to stir for pearl in free time.

Now we make milk tea .First I put about 1 cup dried milk in the measuring glass, using hot water to stir, and putting it in the blender. Second, put about half a cup of sugar in the measuring glass, and put in the blender too. Using the blender to mix tea and sugar. If you like sweeter, you should put more sugar, and then I put tea to blender too, turn on about two minutes. Now you can put on the glass to taste. So easy. Now I put pearl in the strainer, using cool water to wash, and put in a cup of pour in a glass ' ' success!

Next, I try a watermelon drink, I cut the watermelon four pieces, remove the seeds, put in the blender again. Second I add ice-cream, turn on to mix about two minutes. Third pour it in a glass! Success again! I think if you want to make a milkshake, you could add more ice-cream -- you can make it!

If you have other ideas to make cool drinks for hot drinks, please let me know. Thanks!


How to make cool drink

In summer, what is it you want to drink or eat? Very many people easy to say: Ice cream, but eat too much east to fat, we’re chosen drink the Ice water, but I offer saw person drink cool drink, like Pearl with milk tea, Watermelon with pearl milk tea…….So I want to DIY. But choose which one to try? I think I choose simple: milk tea! Maybe easy to do it!
First, I buy the bag of pearl from supermarket, and them choose the green tea, because I feel green tea smell better , and dried milk, Ice cream, watermelon .Second ,I ask my friends borrows the blender, coffee maker…..
Go back at home, I first use hot water to make green tea, wait the water boils, put the tea and wait about 2 minute, turn off, use the strainer to separate tea and water. And then I use the coffee maker put on hot water too and about 2 middle side measuring spoon for pearl, waiting boils, turn off ,maybe after 1 hour, we can use it, but you to stir for pearl in free time. Now we’re make milk tea .First I put about 200g dried milk in the measuring glass, using hot water to stir, and puling in the blender. The second, put about 180 g sugars in the measuring glass, and put in the blender too. Using the blender to mix tea and sugar. If you like sweeter, you should put more sugar, and then I put tea to blender too, turn on about 2 minute. Now you can put on the glass to test. So easy. Now I put pearl in the strainer, using the cool water to wash, and put in a cup of glass, successful!
Next I use watermelon to try again, I cut the watermelon four pieces, opens seed, put in blender again. Second I put the ice-cream in side, turn on to mix about 2 mixtures, the third pun in a cup of glass! Successful again! I think if you want do make milk shake, you could put more ice-cream, you can make it!
If you have other idea to make it, Email to me!